What We Do

Service Activities

Lions serve wherever the need is greatest. Our activities are as varied as the needs of the communities we serve. Lions focus on five major global causes areas of need. These Global Causes present significant challenges to humanity and include:


Lions are committed to reducing the prevalence of diabetes and improving the quality of life for those diagnosed. Activities include Diabetes Awareness, Diabetes Camps for Kids, Type 2 Diabetes Screenings, etc.


Lions have a long history of serving the blind and visually impaired and remain committed to continuing this mission by hosting community screenings, increasing access free eye glasses and providing other essential services to the blind and visually impaired.


Lions around the world have united to ensure all community members have access to healthy and nutritious foods. Projects dedicated to alleviating hunger include food collections and meal delivery projects.


Through environmental service activities, Lions strengthen the relationship between community members and their environment. Projects include tree planting efforts, beach clean-ups, water and sanitation projects and more.