2022/2023 District Governor’s Message

Lion Emmanuel Kojo Gyimah (PMJF)

District Governor 2022/2023 | District 418 – Ghana | Lions Clubs International

The Country Coordinating Lion PID (Ing) H.O.B Lawal, GAT Area 8B (Africa) Leader. Lion PCC Samuel Ekpuk, District Governor Lion David Owusu Anokye, Past District Governors, Vice District Governors, Cabinet Members, Honourable Chiefs, Distinguished Guests, Lions, Leos, Ladies & Gentlemen. I warmly welcome you all to the 4th District Convention of District 418, Ghana. I give thanks to the Almighty God and to members for electing me (100% endorsement) to serve our prestigious District 418 as the District Governor for the 2022/2023 Lions Service year. You have my sincere assurance that I will be dedicated to the cause of Lions in this role, the same way I have demonstrated my commitment over the past 28 years since I was first inducted into Accra Premier Lions Club in 1994. I can recall the genesis of this journey just like yesterday.

Our International First Vice President Lion Brian Sheehan’s message for the 2022/2023

Lions service year is “Together, We Can.” In line with tradition and norms, my theme for 2022/2023 Lions Service Year for D418, Ghana is “Yes, Together We Can.” It is my determination to work in close co-operation and collaboration with all the members by respecting your ideas through accepting diversity. Life is always moving forward; nothing ever remains the same. Lions let us be agents for change. Our projects and activities should touch people’s lives in a deep and lasting way. Let us continue to grow, the young and old in harmony ready to face the challenges in our communities. It is very gratifying to know that I can count on the support of so many good Lions, the experience and advice of our soon to be Immediate Past DG, two PDGs and many senior Lion leaders who have selflessly given of themselves to the District and who are the source of wisdom, knowledge and inspiration. We need to work together to not only energize our members but more especially to unify our efforts, strengths and goodwill.



My vision is to foster unity and friendship among our members in order to greatly serve our communities. Fellow Lions, as we look to the year ahead we must continue to focus on these priorities; Membership, Service Activities, Leadership Development and Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) Support.



Membership is pivotal for our clubs, therefore we must continue to scout for quality, dedicated and committed members. Our recent past had been impressive in terms of growth, and we hope to achieve positive membership growth (meet or exceed last year’s membership numbers), our team will charter 8 new clubs with 200 members, induct 300 new members into existing clubs and dropped members will not surpass 150. Although it seems ambitious and tough, this goal is achievable. We shall take the training of members as a priority and would make it affordable and comfortable at all times. Training will be held for club officers and zone chairpersons. Lions are encouraged to access the leadership development web page to obtain information related to various leadership development programs and grants as well as the numerous learning opportunities available at the Lions Learning Centre.



My team will organize impactful activities; in the areas of the five (5) global causes of Vision, Diabetes, Hunger, Environment, Childhood Cancer and other service activities in the communities to positively affect lives. We will increase the percentage of clubs reporting service (i.e. meet or exceed last year’s service reporting numbers) and ensure that at least 90% of clubs in our district report service activities.



By the end of the 2022/2023 fiscal year, our District will support Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) in its endeavor to achieve its fundraising goals. LCIF Coordinators will help increase both awareness of LCIF’s work and donations received, allowing Lions to provide greater humanitarian service when needed locally and globally. Our team will ensure that individual and club participation in our District increase by 10%. Also, I will make a handsome personal donation to LCIF and I will encourage 15 members of my District Cabinet to make personal donations to LCIF.


Fellow Lions, our Leos are an essential part of the Lions family. We need to continue to mentor, guide and support them as they play a vital role in the service and future membership growth of Lions Clubs International.



Together with my team, D418 will create smart goals specific to the needs of our District. This will include achieving the District Excellence Awards and ensuring that all the clubs are in good standing. Develop a marketing campaign for District events and encourage healthy competition between and among the clubs. Special awards and rewards including three (3) Melvin Jones Fellow will be given to deserving and hardworking Lions and Clubs. Fellow Lions, through the District Competition awards such as pins, tickets, certificates, plaques and 3 MJFs will be given as follows:

1. To the best Club.

2. To a Cabinet Member.

3. To an individual Lion.

The IPDG, PDGs, VDGs, Fellow Lions and Leos, the above represents my vision and program for D418 for the 2022/2023 Lions service year. Let me Thank God Almighty for taking us thus far, and your unflinching support to see me through to this stage. I am grateful to you personally and collectively. To my immediate predecessor, Lion David Owusu Anokye, your leadership capabilities have been of tremendous benefit to me and I look forward to your continuous support.  Fellow Lions, through the effort of Lion DG David Owusu Anokye, District GMT Coordinator Lion Percy Obakumah and his able team, D418 is now a full-fledged District with 41 clubs and over 1260 members. Congratulations to you all! We will need your continuous support and efforts to ensure that we remain a full fledged District. Fellow Lions, when we work together to take action not for ourselves but for the good of our communities there is nothing we cannot do. 

So come on board, join me and let us all say “Yes, Together We Can”

Lions ….. We serve! Leos ……. We serve! Thank you!