DGE Acceptance Speech

The District Governor Lion (Dr.) Kwaku Mensa-Bonsu, our Special Guest of Honour, Hon Ken Ofori-Atta, Minister of Finance,  Guest of Honour, Nene Nagai Kasa VIII, Chief of Mla-Hiormeh Agomeda, Shai Traditional Area, Cabinet Members, Distinguished family and friends, Lion Presidents, Leos, members of the media, I once again welcome you all to this Mini District Convention of District 418.   It gives me so much joy knowing that the Lions of Ghana are in charge of administering their own District, District 418.

I am grateful to God for this opportunity to serve humanity in my position as District Governor.  As I have previously indicated, I am not oblivious of the responsibilities that come with accepting the mantle of leadership.  The history of the District should give us all a sense of direction, in which to situate this District individually and collectively.  It therefore behooves us to take the District a notch higher.

During the past year, the District Governor Lion (Dr.) Kwaku Mensa-Bonsu and his cabinet have strived to build the structures of this new district.  Although it has not been an easy journey we have dealt with the challenges and rejoiced at every progress made.  HOWEVER, THERE IS STILL MORE WORK TO BE DONE.  It requires all of us to put our hands to the wheel to ensure that we attain full District status within a year or two.

Distinguished guests, the desire of the District Governor, was to make lions service in Ghana as vibrant as it used to be in the past and I can confidently confirm that this has been achieved.   It is such a joy to see the passion and enthusiasm that members exhibit in serving their communities. Membership of the Association has increased from 19 to 27 Clubs and still counting.

My vision is to “build a strong, committed and passionate family of Lions dedicated to the service of others”

The theme for the 2020/2021 Lions service year is “UNITED IN SERVICE”.  As Lions of Ghana we can make a difference in the world and this can only be achieved through bonds of friendship, respect and commitment. 

As a Lion of long standing, I am aware of what can be accomplished in a short period of time when we collaborate to achieve our goals.  It is crucial that we work as a team as that is the only way we can make an impact in our communities.

One of my goals is to enhance the image of the Association and I am certain that with the support of the Zone Chairpersons as well as fellow Lions this would be realized.  Lions Clubs International has introduced the subject of storytelling in our membership drive and this we shall explore to the maximum to impact on our membership.

We shall also focus on quality membership.  Once this is attained, we will be in a position to serve with joy and be responsive to the needs of our communities. 

Fellow Lions, as you are aware, Campaign 100 is empowering Lions to serve now and well into the future.  To achieve this goal LCI needs support from every Lion.  Lions of Ghana have a responsibility to contribute their quota of approximately US$14,000.00 to Campaign 100.  We are cognizant of the role Lions Clubs International Foundation plays in the global sphere, it is therefore incumbent on all of us to support its humanitarian efforts.  LCIF has over the last couple of months provided a total grant of US$20,000.00 to the District to support the displaced people in the Northern region of Ghana during the floods earlier on the year and also to support the health sector with the provision of PPE’s in our fight against COVID 19.

Lion Presidents, fellow Lions, training of members would be a priority.  There would be continuous orientation workshops, retention clinics for both old and new lions and every Lion is being advised to take advantage of it. This would enhance your individual and personal skills in the administration of human and material resources.  It is our hope that at least 80% of club officers would participate in the Club Officers training and hopefully 120 Lions would complete at least one course on the Lions Learning Centre.  Qualified candidates would also be encouraged to attend the Lions Leadership Institutes.

The District will continue to support activities towards the eradication and management of Childhood Cancer by collaborating with the Oncologists at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital.

Our Leos who are an integral part of the Association, will continue to play a major role in the service and growth of Lions Clubs International.  The future of the Association rests on their shoulders.  Let us therefore continue to work together to fulfil our mission.

I entreat all Lions to stay true to the objects, purpose and ethics of the Association. May we continue to make a difference in our communities and the world at large.

At this juncture I wish to express my appreciation to the President and members of my Club, Accra Diamond Lions Club for having nominated me for the position of First Vice District Governor of this infant District.

To our Coordinating Lion PID H. O. B. Lawal, we appreciate the confidence he has reposed in us, Ghana Lions and his continuous advice.

Fellow Lions, let us be passionate and with a sense of purpose determine to make District 418 the pride of Africa.

Long live District 418 / Long Live Lions Clubs International

Lions!!! We Serve   | Leos!!! We Serve

Thank you.